My life long passion is environmental protection, sustainability and social justice, which are inextricably connected. My mission is to use the powerful medium of film/TV to positively change the world. I believe that movies can have meaning, passion and profits.
I am focused now on securing financing for my feature films. I have an innovative business model that puts the investor first and utilizes more "green" methods to make movies. Watch a 3 minute intro of these movie projects and the filmmaker.
Human civilization is under threat from itself and its mindless destruction of the very foundations of life. There is no economy or civilization without nature. Humans are animals. No amount of fashionable clothes, make up or products can change that fact. We are a part of nature.
We must fundamentally and radically restructure the global economy and every business so it must consider the costs and consequences on the environment at every step of every product or service. Every business in the world must be legally obligated under the same environmental laws so the playing field of the global market is even and fair.
Best of luck to all us all and our only home - planet Earth. Kyle Schmierer, writer-producer-director